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by Incrust Software


Agile Pod #Structure

Gone are the days when people worked in a structured hierarchy-based approach prioritized by the management. This system lacked personal growth, motivation, and teamwork, leading to ownership issues, conflicts, and ultimately delayed project timelines.
To cater to the need for exceptional project deliverables #Agile #Pod is the keyword. PODs offer a collaborative working environment to help build innovative custom solutions. Pod usually has a group of 4-10 members from different skill sets who work as a team through the entire project lifecycle.

Leads to more learning as members from different areas belonging to the project work together towards one goal. This approach has resulted in better deliverables, individual growth and learning, timely deliverables, and overall of individuals and businesses.

Pod acts as a business unit that is equipped with people having relevant skill sets to meet the project requirements. The agile methodology makes the team functioning independent, ownership-based, subject-matter-experts come together to deliver effective result-oriented solutions to the client.
POD Consists of the Pod core team, Pod specialists, and Pod owners.

The core team is the one that forms and manages the functioning of the team. They allocate and shuffle the team members among the pods as per project requirements. The pod specialists look into the specific skill-set of the members. Pod owners work on execution, prioritizing, and project allocation.

In a jist, Pods are in the limelight for varied reasons. Some of them I could list below are:

Self-driven and motivated teams: Pods break the monotony and keep the members occupied with challenging and interesting projects. This ensures individual learning and growth opportunities.

Agile structure and process: Agile Pod structure and process builds a collaborative cross-functional working environment. This approach is adept that the entire ownership of successful project completion lies with the team and not with the individual.

Customer satisfaction: Ultimately every business and project is executed to deliver an enriched customer experience. Pod members collectively brainstorm, plan and execute with one single objective of successful project completion. In the process they innovative, support, and delivery to the best of their abilities. This approach enhances overall customer experience and retention.

Working of Pods

1. Pods act as a unit and move seamlessly from one project to another
2. SMEs – Pod specialists are also a part of shared Pod so their expertise and experience can be utilized by other Pod groups.
3. Proven best practices ensure the smooth functioning of the Pods
4. In case of urgent projects that need to be completed on time, we can use stand-by Pod resources.

In all, Pods are the focus and the next big thing that will be for the long haul. Finally, Pods have greater advantages over traditional hierarchy-based structures. They are more focused and quality-oriented, have faster turnaround time, flexible, collaborative, and decision-making mindset all resulting in improved business growth.

#agilepod #podstructure #agile #POD


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